Phone Number

(888) 447-3449

Ranch Location

Waterflow, NM

A Place of Refuge

And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.
-Mark 6:31

If Satan can stop the pastor from serving Christ, many people in the pastor’s church will easily fall by the wayside.

Pastors and ministry leaders fight on the front lines of the battlefield for the souls of men. Satan makes the targets that he puts on the backs of those called and active in the work of God his priority. If he can stop the pastor from serving Christ, many people in the pastor’s church will easily fall by the wayside.

If Satan can keep the ministry leader from making a difference, those in the leader’s followship will be openly exposed to Satan’s fiery darts of destruction. In spiritual warfare, pastors and ministry leaders will eventually find themselves weary in the fight and battered by Satan’s onslaught.

Because quitting is never an option, pastors will from time to time find the need of a place to take a moment to breathe and gather some strength for the next battle.

How We Help Pastors

At the Amanda Ranch, we understand the need for a place of refuge. We aim to provide the rest and regeneration needed so that no pastor or ministry leader ever attempts to quit. 

The Amanda Ranch is here to aid pastors and ministry leaders to continue toward winning the victory for the cause of Christ. Let the Amanda Ranch be your place of refuge.

Inquire About Coming To The Ranch

If you are a pastor or know a pastor going through a trial and needs a place of refuge, let us know to receive a packet of information.

Get In Touch

Email Address

[email protected]

Phone Number

(888) 447-3449

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